The Ten Terrains Of Consciousness have a very large impact on the way you relate to money, whether you are aware of them or not. Not only are there many programs and traumas around money impacting on the Collective Field of Humanity, arising from the different Terrains playing out in our world, but your own individual relationship with money is being influenced by certain specific Terrains.
Firstly, many of the deepest beliefs and attitudes you have about money have been directly formed by the ‘Prevailing Terrain’ in which you grew up; that of your family, school, neighborhood and culture. For example:
Even if you are not at the same Terrain now as the one in which you were raised, you have taken on—to some degree—the beliefs to which you were exposed while growing up. The extent to which they are running your behavior now will depend on how much work you have done to de-program yourself from your childhood conditioning. In addition to the Prevailing Terrain you were raised in, the Terrain you are at now is also having a powerful influence over your relationship to money. For example:
Therefore, your entire core relationship with money is informed and shaped by your current Terrain Of Consciousness. To sum it up very simply: much of your personal relationship with money is created by the interplay between (a) the filter on reality coming from your current Terrain of Consciousness and (b) the beliefs and conditioning you were given by the Prevailing Terrain in which you were raised. Therefore, if you want to understand why you are in the financial situation you are in, you would be well served by learning about these two Terrains that are having the greatest impact on your life.
~ by Tahnee Woolf ~
co-creator of the Ten Terrains Of Consciousness
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