The spoken-word poem "Look Up" by Gary Turk asks people to look up from their phones and connect with each other. This poem has millions of views on YouTube because it speaks to people very deeply. It expresses the disconnection that so many individuals are feeling in our 'smart phone' age. More importantly, it expresses the collective angst we are feeling as a civilization at the Reflection-Based Terrain (Diamond).
The Prevailing Terrain in the Western World right now is at Diamond, although many countries and cities are still at Square moving towards Diamond. Since we shifted into Diamond as a collective in the second half of the twentieth century, our world has dramatically and rapidly transformed.
The Diamond energy focusses outwards, on changing the world. Whilst there are some people at Diamond who are on a deep path of spiritual growth and personal development and thus choose to focus their Diamond energy on creating a more awakened world, the vast bulk of people at Diamond are using their world-changing energy to create greater prosperity, convenience and entertainment, and all the modern Western trappings of 'progress'. Diamond is an incredible Terrain of questioning, thinking-outside-the-box, growth and expansion. It is a Terrain of great innovation, invention, imagination, of progress and creativity. As a result, our Diamond Western World has spawned great technological advances. Yet the Diamond world we are in has also created vast disconnection, because it is a world experienced in the mind. A culture at Diamond is a mind-based culture, where we project our constructed identities out to the world to be reflected back en masse. It is an outer-directed culture, where we distract ourselves with mental stimulation to keep ourselves from feeling. It is a lonely culture, with its strong emphasis on individual success and personal uniqueness, at the expense of community and connectedness. Regardless of which Terrain each of us is at personally, we are all living in this Diamond era and therefore we are all feeling this continuous pull towards outer-focus, mental busyness and disconnection from the heart. We have chosen to be born in this era because there are many profound lessons for us to learn here. As a collective, we in the Western World are not yet on the move to the Connection-Based Terrain (Circle); we are still firmly ensconced at Diamond. Yet there are lone voices starting to speak out from Circle, reminding us that there is much more to life than technology, image and identity, and even more than the individualistic urge for mind expansion and spiritual growth. There is also the world of the heart, the world of deep human connection, of connectedness to the Web Of Life. This Circle world awaits us as a species. We in the Diamond Western World tend to think of ourselves as incredibly sophisticated, sitting in our technological towers, micromanaging the world with our computers and engaging in endless ideological debate. However, once our civilization eventually makes the enormous jump to heart-centeredness at Circle, we will look back on this era of living in the mind as a more primitive one. It takes poems such as this to jolt us awake and remind us that there is more to life than our smart phones, our number of 'friends' on Facebook, our career successes, our bank balance, our mind expansion, our growth and our learning. There is the preciousness of a single moment of looking into someone else's eyes and experiencing Oneness. At our core, this is what we are all yearning for. This preciousness awaits us. It will be experienced on a daily basis once we make the collective jump to Circle. Then connectedness will become the norm, and disconnection will be a distant memory. Yet we can only be where we are. Evolution cannot be rushed. And right now, as a collective culture, we are at Diamond. So let's experience disconnection to the fullest while we are here, trusting that eventually we will shift into connection, when the time is right. For life always heals itself back to Unity. In the meantime, every now and then, put down your phone and just breathe. Turn off your computer and take a moment just to BE. Feel the wind on your skin, the air in your lungs. Connect with your Self. Then turn to the person next to you and look into their eyes. Really BE with them. Connect with them, just for a moment. By connecting with another, you are connecting with Everything. Treasure every single moment of connection, both with yourself and with others. They are few and far between in our current era.
~ by Tahnee Woolf ~
co-creator of the Ten Terrains Of Consciousness
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