A Glance At The 10 Terrains
Here is a very quick overview of each Terrain. Bear in mind, we have written an entire chapter about each of these Terrains in our book Introducing The Ten Terrains of Consciousness, so a single paragraph about each Terrain here is obviously a huge simplification.
But our intention here is just to give you a feel for each Terrain, so you can get a glimpse of how they each of them has such a fundamentally different relationship with reality.
There are currently very few people in the world at Particle. These are people living in a state of base survival, almost like primitive man. They live moment to moment, by gut instinct, and spend most of their life in ‘fight or flight’. Their sense of separation is complete: they feel separated from Spirit, from nature, from other people and from themselves. They have no survival strategy, for they do not even believe survival is possible. They have no meaning or explanation for the things that happen to them: they see life as entirely random. They are absolutely powerless and in a total state of victim-consciousness.
People at Radial believe that the things that happen to them are caused entirely by a god or gods, deities, spirits or other supernatural forces outside themselves. They believe that these external gods or forces are the only thing that can truly keep them safe. Therefore they will do anything and everything to please their god, appease their god and to make sure never to anger their god. They live lives of total devotion, giving up their power fully to their god. They follow the laws of their god to the letter and are often superstitious. They are capable of fundamentalist and extreme acts if they believe this is what their god requires of them. They are also capable of great faith and devoted service to their deity.
People at Pyramid have a Wild West, dog-eat-dog mentality that believes everyone is out to get them and that the quickest draw wins. As a result of this core relationship with reality, their survival strategy is to accumulate as much wealth, territory and power as possible so as to be able to dominate and control others. They live for the moment, motivated by egoic desires and instant gratification, without any consideration of consequences to others or to the planet. They believe that they are the master of their own destiny, not any god. Some people at Pyramid are ordinary folk just trying to make ends meet and wanting to stick it to ‘the man’; and others are global power players pulling the strings behind the scenes in our world. They are all learning about free will and power in this lifetime.
People at Square are ‘mainstream’ people. They do their best to conform to the norms of society and to serve the good of the majority. They prize loyalty and tend to have a strong work ethic. They crave stability and financial security, value tradition over innovation, and tend to be slow to embrace change. They are motivated by duty and the greater good of ‘the system’ that they perceive to be their protector. Their identity comes from the role they play in that system, and their survival strategy is to fit into that system. They follow authority and put their faith in Institutions such as banks, the media and the government. They accept the status quo, and tend to follow the consensus reality of the majority. They are more easily manipulated by Pyramid propaganda than are people at the other 9 Terrains. They seek to be good citizens and upstanding members of their society and to make a difference.
People at Diamond decide for themselves who they are, and will not be fitted into any box. They champion individual expression, uniqueness, freedom and diversity. They are passionate about progress and innovation. They question authority and think outside the box. They have strong convictions and beliefs and like to be persuasive in the marketplace of ideas. They use their mind to create their reality and to make their decisions. Indeed their survival strategy is to influence their world using their mind. They are visionaries, original thinkers and trail blazers. They like to be part of things that are groundbreaking and cutting edge. They do not wish to be part of ‘the system’ and instead seek to upgrade it, expose it or overthrow it. They want to change the world and leave a legacy. They strive for success, recognition, popularity and reflection of their identity from the world around them. They crave financial freedom and take risks. They seek expansion, whether that is in their desire for material possessions, their quest for knowledge or in their drive for personal growth and self-actualization.
People at Circle feel a personal connection to the Web of Life, and they experience the interconnectedness of all life as a visceral experience. They have an innate trust in nature and life that means they do not need a ‘survival strategy’; instead they have a ‘thrival strategy’, which is to cooperate with the Web Of Life in all ways possible. They tend to live simple lives close to nature, and are passionate stewards of Mother Earth and protectors of the voiceless members of our society. They are guided by their Heart not their head. They care about community, collaboration, transparency and vulnerability. Their focus is on emotional expression, body-centered processes, inner wisdom and the sacredness of the natural world.
People at Spiral experience themselves as multidimensional cosmic Beings. Their focus is to integrate and harmonize all the many aspects of their Self. They are on a very deep inner journey. They know that it is they who create their reality and therefore they work extensively to heal their wounding, to integrate their shadow, and to love and forgive themselves. They do not judge others, and have little interest in changing people or saving the world, for they know everything is happening for a reason. They are guided by their own moment-to-moment intuitive Knowing and are always on the look out for synchronicities and resonance. They seek to be in integrity and alignment at all times. They are aware of subtle energies and are working on mastering their relationship with the inner realms.
People at Toroid have a direct sense of the intelligent Field of Oneness that is all life. As a result, they are living in a deep state of trust, knowing that life has their back. They collaborate with life, letting the universe do the work, and thereby live in a state of flow. They can feel that this entire reality is an illusion, a collective hologram created moment to moment by each person. They understand that each Being is simply expressing their unique piece in the fractal pattern, and each event is an expression of the tapestry of Consciousness. They own that their current lifetime is showing up as a perfect mirror of the sum total of their geometry across the parallel universes of time and space. They are looking at life beyond the personal, at the level of metaphor and universal principles. They see fractal patterns and symbolic connections. They solve problems at the level of the Field, not the ground. They make decisions in the highest good of all life. They are masters of induction and know how to tap into the Field for answers. They seek to be an instrument of Divine Will in Service to the entire collective Field.
People at Infinity no longer experience separation at any level of their Being. They know Consciousness to be indivisible, and they are now One with everything, as a fully embodied experience, not just as an idea. When something happens in the world, they see it as an expression of their own Self. They know that the only things that show up in their life out of the infinite pool of possibility of ‘every thing’ are those things that they have put a ‘charge’ to, therefore they strive to retain a neutral Sovereign state of Being. They move through the world as a Witness, without getting attached to the dramas of human existence. They see the perfection in and of everything. They are deeply humble, for they do not see themselves as a separate individual with an ego and will, but as an instrument of the great All. They live in a deep state of inner peace and surrender. They have immediate, direct and permanent access to the Infinite Knowing of All That Is. They know themselves to be a Creator, with full Power to imagine into reality anything they choose. They are fully embodying unconditional Love.
You are unlikely to ever meet anyone at No-Thing, for this is the realm of immortal Beings who may have let go of even their physical form. These are Beings who have completely cleared all charge force, with no attachment to anything. They have shed all beliefs, even those about needing air and food. They are beyond time and space, beyond the need for physical form. Their Self is fully dissolved. They exist in a pure state of Being.